Click here for photos --> Earth Day - Yuba College, Clearlake, a photo set by Veggie Lori on Flickr.
CLEARLAKE, California - April 21, 2011: What a lovely spring day to be on this nice campus, spreading ideas and good words on how to make our footprints smaller on this planet Earth we call Home. Good spirit abounded and much information disseminated. Ann Card gave a blessing, solar oven baked cookies were given out, and people learned about local resources to make it all happen. Fun and good conversation had by all.
Featured presentations by TLC, Lake Co-Op, GE-Free Lake County, Roteract and more!
CLEARLAKE, California - April 21, 2011: What a lovely spring day to be on this nice campus, spreading ideas and good words on how to make our footprints smaller on this planet Earth we call Home. Good spirit abounded and much information disseminated. Ann Card gave a blessing, solar oven baked cookies were given out, and people learned about local resources to make it all happen. Fun and good conversation had by all.
Featured presentations by TLC, Lake Co-Op, GE-Free Lake County, Roteract and more!
More photos here: Earth Day - Yuba College, Clearlake